The Church of Saint Peter the Apostle Welcomes You And Your Family.
First, we wish to invite you and your Family to our Worship Services. We hope you will come and feel at home as we worship together. If you are searching for a church home, we'd like you to know that there's a special place just for you here at the Church of Saint Peter the Apostle.
The Church of Saint Peter the Apostle Welcomes You and Your Family and offers the following:
A PLACE FOR WORSHIP. . .The primary reason we meet together is to focus our attention on God, giving Him our worship and receiving His blessing and inspiration. Each of these occasions is a special time of Spiritual refreshment. We hope this is what you will experience when 'you come pray with us.
A PLACE FOR LEARNING. . .To us, studying the Bible is vital because it not only instructs us intellectually, but also guides us spiritually. We believe it and accept it as God's Word to man, a Book that is alive and relevant to life today. Learning its truths is a thrilling adventure.
A PLACE OF ENRICHMENT. . .For every person at every age level we offer a wealth of opportunities, special programs and ministries for all which fills our church calendar. You can be sure that in these activities there's more than one way where you can be personally enriched.
A PLACE FOR SERVICE. . .Just as Jesus Christ came "not to be ministered unto, but to minister..." we accept our responsibility to reach out in service to others. This applies both within the church family and outside our fellowship. We are here to serve your spiritual needs.
A PLACE FOR FRIENDSHIP. . .Nothing quite compares to the joy of Christian friendship. That's why we make it a priority to build lasting bonds between the members of our church family. Bonds of concern and genuine commitment to one another. Best of all, this circle of care is ever widening. We'd love for it to include you too.
Every Sunday we conduct the Divine Liturgy. The Orthros Service begins at 9:15 a.m. and the Divine Liturgy begins at approx. 10:30 a.m. Weekday services begin at 9:00 a.m. all year long. (A list of weekday service is printed in the "KANTILI" our monthly newsletter).
Every first of each month an Agiasmos (The Blessing of Holy Water) Service takes place at 10:00 a.m. If it falls on a Sunday or on a day there is a Divine Liturgy the Agiasmos will take place immediately after the Divine Liturgy.
Every third Tuesday (except during the Great Lent) a Paraclesis Service is held at 10:00 a.m. At this service we pray for the sick. First names of those who are sick can be offered to the Priest either by phone or in person, and they will be read during the service. Once every other month we conduct a Holy Unction Service for those critically ill.
The "Acolyte" program offers young boys the rare opportunity of serving in the Altar of God. The Clergy take great pride in giving these boys a keen insight into the beauty and importance which the Divine Liturgy can have and should have in their lives. Any young man interested in serving in God's Altar can see our Priest.
Do you wish to share the love you have for mankind with your fellow man? Do you wish to grace the lives of others by assisting them in their time of need? The LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS of the Saint Peter the Apostle, Bronx will give you the opportunity to do so. An opportunity to achieve philanthropic fulfillment and help improve society, awaits the woman with a broad life experience and love of mankind. All that is necessary, is the desire to share your love and experience with women of the same background, whose prime objective through the Philoptochos Society is the assistance of those in need.
Through social functions geared to raise funds such as bazaar, bake sales, Christmas Boutiques and solicitation of donations, the Women of the Saint Peter Philoptochos develop a camaraderie that is unique within any structure. Long lasting and even lifetime friendships are made among women who share the same goals in life and who share in the enjoyment of achieving their goals within a social structure that promotes harmony, fun and friendship. If you wish to help formulate plans and methods to voluntarily aid and relieve the poor, the destitute, the aged, the sick and all those who may need the help of the Church please become a part of the Philoptochos Society.
We take much pride in our bi-monthly publication "THE KANTILI". This newsletter presents not only the news of our Community, but also religious messages that are pertinent. Along with religious and moral concerns written by Clergy there is cultural information and recipes from a secret recipe file.
Online Chapel

10th Tuesday after Pentecost
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.